The goal of this online class is to give you the security basis
In indoor rope climbing (Toprope)
You are required to follow this online course before following our 20min on site training. The purpose is to already explain you the theory before practicing in order to garantee a safe and fun first climbing experience.
Here, you will learn :
- to correctly put your harness.
- To safely tie up your knot
- to correctly install your belay device (grigri)
- how to do your "partner check”
- to belay your partner ( up and down)
- some basics climbing technics
(If you can’t find the time to follow this e-learning before coming to Maniak, we won’t be able to give your training, and you won’t be able to climb in our gym, so please follow this e-learning attentively.)
Sit down correcly, we start our 30 minutes journey of the theory of indoor climbing Here
But what is toprope indoor climbing ?
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